Suggested Reading

Kurt Spellmeyer

Buddha at the Apocalypse: Awakening from a culture of destruction

Charlotte Joko Beck

Pema Chodron

Thomas Cleary

George Crane

Gil Fronsdale, trans.

Eugen Herrigel

John J. Holder

Maura O’Halloran

Hsing Yun

Philip Kapleau

Jack Kornfield

Lu K’uan Yu

Ch’an and Zen Teaching, vol. 1

Vesanto Melina and Brenda Davis

Soko Morinaga

Novice to Master: An Ongoing Lesson in the Extent of My Own Stupidity

Red Pine

Red Pine

John Powers

The Wisdom of Buddha: The Samdhinirmocana Mahayana Sutra

Katsuki Sekida

Katsuki Sekida

Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

Shunryu Suzuki


Thich Nhat Hanh

Alan Watts

Brad Warner



The Way to Buddhahood: Instructions from a Modern Chinese Master

Cold Mountain Zen, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit established with the mission to provide for the preservation and transmission of the teaching and practice of Rinzai Zen Buddhism in New Jersey.